Kang's Lair


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Where is Springfield?
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Itchy and Scrachy
Homer's mmm...s
Kent's List of gays
Prank calls to Moe
Complaint Department

Homer's mmm...s

Here is a list of most of the times that Homer says Mmm...

"Mmm . . . marshmallows"
"Mmm . . . cupcakes"
"Mmm . . . chocolate, ooh . . . double chocolate, (gasp) new flavor . . . triple chocolate!"
"Mmm . . . beer"
"Mmm . . . ooh . . . maca-ma-damia nuts"
"Mmm . . . hors d'oeuvers"
"Mmm . . . pancakes"
"Mmm . . . money"
"Mmm . . . barbecue"
"Mmm . . . purple"
"Mmm . . . spaghetti"
"Mmm . . . salty"
"Mmm . . . the Land of Chocolate"
"Mmm . . . chocolate"
"Mmm . . . crumpled-up cookie things"
"Mmm . . . strained peas"
"Mmm . . . donuts"
"Mmm . . . potato chips"
"Mmm . . . snouts"
"Mmm . . . fattening"
"Mmm . . . burger"
"Mmm . . . Soylent Green"
"Mmm . . . shrimp"
"Mmm . . . hog fat"
"Mmm . . . ham"
"Mmm . . . grapefruit"
"Mmm . . . organized crime"
"Mmm . . . nuts"
"Mmm . . . pie"
"Mmm . . . delicious"
"Mmm . . . 64 slices of American cheese"
"Mmm . . . forbidden donut"
"Mmm . . . invisible cola"
"Mmm . . . candy"
"Mmm . . . convenient"
"Mmm . . . business deal"
"Mmm . . . free goo"
"Mmm . . . apple"
"Mmm . . . hamburger"
"Mmm . . . footlong chili dog"
"Mmm . . . Marge"
"Mmm . . . mediciney"
"Mmm . . . free wig"
"Mmm . . . sacrilicous"
"Mmm . . . elephant-fresh"
"Mmm . . . caramel"
"Mmm . . . something"
"Mmm . . . bowling fresh"
"Mmm . . . urinal fresh"
"Mmm . . . slanty"
"Mmm . . . beer nuts"
"Mmm . . . incapacitating"
"Mmm . . . sprinkles"
"Mmm . . . unprocessed fishsticks"
"Mmm . . . open-faced club sandwich"
"Mmm . . . pointy"
"Mmm . . . hippo"
"Mmm . . . split pea . . . (gasp) with ham"
"Mmm . . . recirculated air"
"Mmm . . . memo"
"Mmm . . . me"
"Mmm . . . loganberry"
"Mmm . . . fifty-dollar pretzel"
"Mmm . . . ovulicious"
"Mmm . . . fish. AH! That's me!"

Mmm...chocolate...ooh, double chocolate...(gasp) new flavor, triple chocolate!

Mmm...forbidden donut

Mmm...free wig


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