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Episode Index


Season One (1989-1990) - 13 Episodes
7G08 Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
7G02 Bart the Genius
7G03 Homer's Odyssey
7G04 There's No Disgrace Like Home
7G05 Bart the General
7G06 Moaning Lisa
7G09 Call of the Simpsons
7G07 The Tell-Tale Head
7G11 Life on the Fast Lane
7G10 Homer's Night Out
7G13 The Crepes of Wrath
7G12 Krusty Gets Busted
7G01 Some Enchanted Evening

Season Two (1990-1991) - 22 Episodes
7F03 Bart Gets An F
7F02 Simpson and Delilah
7F04 Treehouse of Horror
7F01 2 Cars in Every Garage, 3 Eyes on Every Fish
7F05 Dancin' Homer
7F08 Dead Putting Society
7F07 Bart vs. Thanksgiving
7F06 Bart the Daredevil
7F09 Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
7F10 Bart Gets Hit By A Car
7F11 One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
7F12 The Way We Was
7F13 Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
7F15 Principal Charming
7F16 Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
7F14 Bart's Dog Gets An F
7F17 Old Money
7F18 Brush with Greatness
7F19 Lisa's Substitute
7F20 War of the Simpsons
7F21 Three Men and a Comic Book
7F22 Blood Feud

Season Three (1991-1992) - 24 Episodes
7F24 Stark Raving Dad
8F01 Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
7F23 When Flanders Failed
8F03 Bart the Murderer
8F04 Homer Defined
8F05 Like Father, Like Clown
8F02 Treehouse of Horror II
8F06 Lisa's Pony
8F07 Saturdays of Thunder
8F08 Flaming Moe's
8F09 Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
8F10 I Married Marge
8F11 Radio Bart
8F12 Lisa the Greek
8F14 Homer Alone
8F16 Bart the Lover
8F13 Homer At The Bat
8F15 Separate Vocations
8F17 Dog of Death
8F19 Colonel Homer
8F20 Black Widower
8F21 Otto Show
8F22 Bart's Friend Falls in Love
8F23 Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes?

Season Four (1992-1993) - 22 Episodes
8F24 Kamp Krusty
8F18 A Streetcar Named Marge
9F01 Homer the Heretic
9F02 Lisa the Beauty Queen
9F04 Treehouse of Horror III
9F03 Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
9F05 Marge Gets a Job
9F06 New Kid on the Block
9F07 Mr. Plow
9F08 Lisa's First Word
9F09 Homer's Triple Bypass
9F10 Marge vs. the Monorail
9F11 Selma's Choice
9F12 Brother from the Same Planet
9F13 I Love Lisa
9F14 Duffless
9F15 Last Exit to Springfield
9F17 So It's Come To This: A Simpsons Clip Show
9F16 The Front
9F18 Whacking Day
9F20 Marge In Chains
9F19 Krusty Gets Kancelled

Season Five (1993-1994) - 22 Episodes
9F21 Homer's Barbershop Quartet
9F22 Cape Feare
1F02 Homer Goes to College
1F01 Rosebud
1F04 Treehouse of Horror IV
1F03 Marge on the Lam
1F05 Bart's Inner Child
1F06 Boy Scoutz ?he Hood
1F07 The Last Temptation of Homer
1F08 $pringfield
1F09 Homer the Vigilante
1F11 Bart Gets Famous
1F10 Homer and Apu
1F12 Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
1F13 Deep Space Homer
1F14 Homer Loves Flanders
1F15 Bart Gets an Elephant
1F16 Burns' Heir
1F18 Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadassss Song
1F19 The Boy Who Knew Too Much
1F21 Lady Bouvier's Lover
1F20 Secrets of a Successful Marriage

Season Six (1994-1995) - 25 Episodes
1F22 Bart of Darkness
1F17 Lisa's Rival
2F33 Another Simpsons Clip Show
2F01 Itchy & Scratchy Land
2F02 Sideshow Bob Roberts
2F03 Treehouse of Horror V
2F04 Bart's Girlfriend
2F05 Lisa on Ice
2F06 Homer Bad Man
2F07 Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
2F08 Fear of Flying
2F09 Homer the Great
2F10 And Maggie Makes Three
2F11 Bart's Comet
2F12 Homie the Clown
2F13 Bart vs. Australia
2F14 Homer vs. Patty & Selma
2F31 A Star is Burns
2F15 Lisa's Wedding
2F18 Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
2F19 The PTA Disbands
2F32 'Round Springfield
2F21 The Springfield Connection
2F22 Lemon of Troy
2F16 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)

Season Seven (1995-1996) - 25 Episodes
2F20 Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)
2F17 Radioactive Man
3F02 Bart Sells His Soul
3F01 Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily
3F03 Lisa the Vegetarian
3F04 Treehouse of Horror VI
3F05 King-Size Homer
3F06 Mother Simpson
3F08 Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
3F31 The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
3F07 Marge Be Not Proud
3F10 Team Homer
3F09 Two Bad Neighbors
3F11 Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield
3F12 Bart the Fink
3F13 Lisa the Iconoclast
3F14 Homer the Smithers
3F15 A Fish Called Selma
3F16 The Day the Violence Died
3F17 Bart on the Road
3F18 22 Short Films About Springfield
3F19 Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"
3F20 Much Apu About Nothing
3F21 Homerpalooza
3F22 Summer of 4 Ft. 2

Season Eight (1996-1997) - 25 Episodes
4F02 Treehouse of Horror VII
3F23 You Only Move Twice
4F03 The Homer They Fall
4F05 Burns, Baby Burns
4F06 Bart After Dark
4F04 A Milhouse Divided
4F01 Lisa's Date with Density
4F07 Hurricane Neddy
3F24 El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)
3G01 The Springfield Files
4F08 The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
4F10 Mountain of Madness
3G03 Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious
4F12 The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
4F11 Homer's Phobia
4F14 The Brother from Another Series
4F13 My Sister, My Sitter
4F15 Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment
4F09 Grade School Confidential
4F16 The Canine Mutiny
4F17 The Old Man and the Lisa
4F18 In Marge We Trust
4F19 Homer's Enemy
4F20 The Simpsons Spinoff Showcase
4F21 The Secret War of Lisa Simpson

Season Nine (1997-1998) - 26 Episodes
4F22 The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
4F23 The Principal and the Pauper
3G02 Lisa's Sax
5F02 Treehouse of Horror VIII
5F01 The Cartridge Family
5F03 Bart Star
5F04 The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
5F05 Lisa the Skeptic
5F06 Realty Bites
5F07 Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
5F24 All Singing, All Dancing
5F08 Bart Carny
5F23 The Joy of Sect
5F11 Das Bus
5F10 The Last Temptation of Krust
4F24 Lisa the Simpson
5F12 Dumbbell Indemnity
5F13 This Little Wiggy
3G04 Simpson Tide
5F14 The Trouble with Trillions
5F15 Girly Edition
5F09 Trash of the Titans
5F16 King of the Hill
5F17 Lost Our Lisa
5F18 Natural Born Kissers

Season Ten (1998-1999) - 22 Episodes
5F20 Lard of the Dance
5F21 The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
5F22 Bart the Mother
AABF01 Treehouse of Horror IX
5F19 When You Dish Upon a Star
AABF02 D'oh-in In the Wind
AABF03 Lisa Gets an "A"
AABF04 Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble"
AABF05 Mayored to the Mob
AABF06 Viva Ned Flanders
AABF07 Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
AABF08 Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
AABF09 Homer to the Max
AABF11 I'm With Cupid
AABF10 Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"
AABF12 Make Room for Lisa
AABF13 Maximum Homerdrive
AABF14 Simpsons Bible Stories
AABF15 Mom and Pop Art
AABF16 The Old Man and The "C" Student
AABF17 Monty Can't Buy Me Love
AABF18 They Saved Lisa's Brain
AABF20 Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo

Season Eleven (1999-2000) - 22 Episodes
AABF23 Beyond Blunderdome
AABF22 Brother's Little Helper
AABF21 Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?
BABF01 Treehouse of Horror X
BABF02 Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
BABF03 Eight Misbehavin'
BABF05 Talke My Wife, Sleaze
BABF07 Grift of the Magi
BABF04 Little Big Mom
BABF06 Faith Off
BABF08 The Mansion Family
BABF09 Saddlesore Galactica
BABF10 Alone Again, Natura-Diddily
BABF11 Missionary: Impossible
BABF12 Pygmoelian
BABF13 Bart to the Future
BABF14 Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
BABF15 Last Tap Dance in Springfield
BABF16 Kill the Alligator and Run
BABF18 It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
BABF19 Behind the Laughter

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